bird in the hand

bird in the hand

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Latest Rugs

Sized right for my tiny fireplace!

My new chair pad (front)

The Back!

Quilt for Second Son

Just finished this one, but still working on my cathedral windows quilt for first son....

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My First Rug

Here is my first attempt at rug hooking for you to see:
I am still having trouble getting the back to look as good as the front and I have to accept the slightly "messy" look as the way this craft is supposed to look.  Very different than quilting for sure but that is the point... I wanted something easy to do that was relaxing and could be more portable than sewing at a machine.
I really like the landscapes but found that creating them is harder than it looks because like an oil painting, you have to look at them from a distance frequently to see them properly and it is hard to know where to hook when you are so close to the picture!
I have two more ideas ready to create, this one is too small to be much more than a hot pad or wall pic so next I want to make a real rug.  I have a landscape idea again, with a field, trees and a lakeshore in the back but I have to get a big piece of burlap now to put it on.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pretty Pysanka

Ross made this pretty egg in school.  I think he did a great job!
Happy Easter everyone!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Chicks and Quilts

Well, I have put eggs in the incubator now, just a tray of Silkie and RIR eggs since they were separated already anyhow.  They have been laying really well so why not? Hope to sell them as chicks in April at Swift Current Sale.  Now E has his Chanteclers separated as well so we may put a second tray in this weekend. I know I said no chicks but it doesn't seem like Spring without baby chicks!  They are due to hatch Easter morning!

I have been quilting with the ladies' group in town during Lent, making baby quilts to donate.  They are such talented quilters, I am getting lots of ideas for quilts to make!
 I finally started on E's Grad memory quilt.  The pattern is called circle square jeans quilt.  I am using circles of denim from old jeans and sewing them together with the seam up, then folding over the seam to make a petal effect.  I am using squares from flannel shirts and pj's I made him to put inside the square.  It is a "quilt as you go" because I have already made the back with the denim sandwich. 
Here's a photo of the start: I haven't zigzagged the petals down yet which results in the "quilting".

Here is the front with the petals sewn down, I used an orange denim thread which is quite a heavy gauge.
 This bottom one shows the back of the quilt, I like the yellow thread design it makes here.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Wow here it is a new Year!

Me, again!  Can't believe it's a New Year already!  I missed reading my fellow blogger's posts and kind of missed posting myself too.
It is pretty cold here this morning and I am really enjoying just having three coops of chickens to look after,and two  of those with heated waterers.  We hatched too many chickens last year but the up side of it is that we have lots of lovely pullets laying beautiful brown eggs for us.  Also have 14 nice roosters in another coop and 10 cute little RIR bantam cockerels in another.  The RIRs were supposed to get butchered but they got along so well and are doing just fine, all glossy mahogany and pretty tails that it looks like they are going to make it right through til Spring after all.
Speaking of Spring, yes, hatching did cross my mind the other day as lots of people I know are getting out the incubators but I did reread my last post and yeah I'm holding to not TOO much hatching this year.
Except G wants to hatch tons of ducklings to sell as this will be his next to last year and E wants to do more chicks (but Im not comitting to many more chicks for him because he had way too many last year!).
I do need to keep working on my Dominiques, have to hatch at least 30 out for myself so I have some new pullets and I really want to see how my Nova Scotia line does for me but I hope I can wait til later in the Spring so it will be easier to keep the chicks warm.
Meanwhile I have been keeping busy with some quilting projects, a tree skirt and some potholders and have discovered a new craft that uses clothesline and lots of fabric scraps-coiled baskets!

This is my very first one, probably shouldnt post it but I really like the Spring/Easter colours!
I also have made a Chrismassy one and TRIED to make an oval one, it is shaped a little like a peanut unfortunately but still kind of interesting!